These fruit-based sauces, characterized by a spicy taste, succeed in enhancing the dishes with which they are associated. The ingredients, all natural and carefully selected, guarantee a high quality product that you can use by combining them with particularly suitable meats and cheeses, or by leaving room for your imagination. This practical blister lets you try three of our six sauces (mustard pears, figs in sweet and sour sauce and grappa-flavored grataculo) in cute practices of 40 grams ea ...
These fruit-based sauces, characterized by a spicy taste, succeed in enhancing the dishes with which they are associated. The ingredients, all natural and carefully selected, guarantee a high quality product that you can use by combining them with particularly suitable meats and cheeses, or by leaving room for your imagination. This practical blister lets you try three of our six sauces (mustard pears, figs in sweet and sour sauce and grappa-flavored grataculo) in cute practices of 40 grams ea ...